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TopicFinder is a text classification software. TopicFinder automatically assigns documents to topics based on single-level or multi-level hierarchical taxonomies. For example, it automatically marks or filters a spam document and forwards customer requests automatically to the expert or departments that are most appropriate for the topic. 

For a weekly newsletter, technical articles can be filtered on the basis of a predefined newsletter profile and ordered according to relevance. TopicFinder analyzes all articles, sorts them according to significance and groups similar articles or even duplicates together in order to simplify the further processing and keep the flood of information as low as possible.

TopicFinder must be specifically trained for the information needs of the customer. The use of TopicFinder is divided into a training phase and a productive phase. An administrative web application for training and evaluation is available for this. Multi-threading guarantees efficient training, scalable to large data quantities and complex taxonomies.

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