Wowool is a text analytics SDK and an NLP development platform for intelligent content management. It performs basic linguistic analysis (tokenization, lemmatization and part of speech tagging) that serves as a basis to a sophisticated linguistic pattern matching rule language. It includes modules for named entities recognition, e.g. person names, dates, money amounts, age, places, etc., but also entities in the health domain, such as treatments, body parts, pathologies and most popular drugs. It additionally performs anonymization of person names, dates, money amounts, age, and places.

The tokenization module works for any language, while full linguistic support and entities recognition is provided for Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.

The Wowool SDK is cross-platform and comes with language bindings for Python, C++, as well as REST API. Results are returned as JSON.

Language Coverage
Danish , Dutch; Flemish , English , French , German , Portuguese , Russian , Spanish; Castilian , Swedish

Get Started with the service

: Contact the provider


Documentation: Developer Documentation
