LX-Conjugator performs fully-fledged conjugation of Portuguese verbs. LX-Conjugator takes a Portuguese infinitive verb form and delivers the corresponding conjugated forms. It handles:
Pronominal conjugation
The Portuguese verbal inflection system is a most complex part of the Portuguese morphology, and of the Portuguese language, given the high number of conjugated forms for each verb (ca. 70 forms in non pronominal conjugation), the number of productive inflection rules involved and the number of non regular forms and exceptions to such rules.
This complexity is further increased when the so-called pronominal conjugation is taken into account. The Portuguese language has verbal clitics, which according to some authors are to be analyzed as integrating the inflectional suffix system:
-- the forms of the clitics may depend on the Number, the Person, the Gender, the grammatical function which they are in correspondence with, and the anaphoric properties;
-- up to three clitics may be associated with a verb form;
-- clitics may occur in so called enclisis, i.e. as a final part of the verb form, or in mesoclisis, i.e. as a medial part of the verb form. When the verb form occurs in certain syntactic or semantic contexts (e.g in the scope of negation), the clitics appear in proclisis, i.e. before the verb form;
-- clitics follow specific rules for their concatenation.
With LX-Conjugator, pronominal conjugation is exhaustively handled. It is however optional, and verbs can be conjugated also in non pronominal conjugation mode only.
Additionally, LX-Conjugator exhaustively handles a set of inflection cases which tend not to be supported together in verbal conjugators:
- Compound tenses
- Double forms for past participles (regular and irregular)
- Past participle forms inflected for number and gender (with transitive and unaccusative verbs)
- Negative imperative forms
- Courtesy forms for second person
LX-Conjugator handles both known verbs and unknown verbs. It thus conjugates:
LX-Conjugator does assume that some forms are impossible though (e.g. the imperative forms of verbs such as querer / to want: *quer tu) and that some clitics do not combine with certain verb forms (e.g. second person non-courtesy clitics and second person courtesy verb forms with the same number: *você ama-te/you_COURTESY love-yourself_NONCOURTESY). In these cases such forms will not be produced.
Other special cases, also not generated, include impersonal se and passive se, which do not occur with first or second person verb forms.
LX-Conjugator handles the very few cases where there may be different forms in different variants:
- Orthographic and paradigmatic differences
When the same form has different orthographic representations, all such representations are presented. To give a couple of examples, both representations of '(he) flows into', desagua (European) and deságua (Brazilian), and both representations for '(I) argued', argui (European) and argüi (Brazilian), are delivered.
- Other cases
Differences in irregular forms are also handled under the same approach. One such example is the past participle of 'to accept', with aceite (European) and aceito (Brazilian), which will be both displayed.
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