SentiGeek Technologies

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SentiGeek is an automated cloud platform that analyzes customer feedback, reviews and comments with innovative, state-of-the-art algorithms, providing accurate and industry-specific results about brands, products, features of products and customers. The results help companies improve their products and services, enhance their customers’ experience, reduce customer loss and gain loyal clients. 

Available solutions:

  • SentiReviews: Your customers share their experience from your products and services, writing reviews and comments about them and their features on your platform or other platforms. With SentiReviews you can analyze them and get meaningful and actionable insights.
  • SentiMonitor: You can monitor public opinion and listen to what people say for brand management, impact of particular products and services, exploring competition, implementation of policies etc.
  • Campaign analytics: You can run campaigns, product launches etc. and see how the audience you are addressing responds during and/or after your initiative.
  • SentiFeedback: You can process feedback and complaints from your customers, coming from multiple sources and channels e.g. call centers, emails, forums etc. to better understand your customer’s experience, how they respond to your suggestions, and to improve your products and services.

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