audEERING speech analytics technology

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audEERING's speech analytics technology is available for integratrion in call centers, devices, games etc. Some of its products are the following:

  • sensAI is a scalable and fast technology for detecting emotions from an audio signal
  • callAIser™ is a callcenter software, leveraging audEERING’s latest AI technology to detect emotion from audio. 
  • devAIce™ is audEERING’s audio AI technology integrated in your device.The technology can distinguish between 17 different sound environments, identify several speakers and detect over 50 emotional states and traits. 
  • examAIner measures emotions as an additional level of information. It is based on intelligent algorithms and models for audio analysis offering tailored solutions for market research. The sensAI technology is the foundation of audEERING industry-specific solutions and enables to detect over 50 emotions directly from the voice – without any body sensors.


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