Α suite of APIs for Spanish, such as:

  • Phonetics: Phonetic word information, transcription, syllables, minimal pairs, stressed vowels.
  • Lemmatisation: Services to help you find lemmas and grammatical categories of different words and passages of text.
  • Complexity Levels: Classification of words by levels of learning complexity (according to Cervantes Institute levels A/B/C/D)
  • Synonyms: Compile lists of synonyms by word and by lemma
  • Gender and Number: Analysis and inflections of masculine and feminine forms, singular and plural forms.
  • Syllables and Accents: Explore the division of words into syllables, the quantity of syllables, stressed syllables, the use of accents...
  • Verbs: Detect possible verbs in a text: number, clitic forms, conjugated forms ...
  • Texts by Words: Search and highlight words in a text by grammatical category and by position
  • Word Searches: Search for words by grammatical category, stem, ending, letters contained, frequency of use, complexity...
  • Sentiment analysis: APIS for sentiment analysis in Spanish

Language Coverage
Spanish; Castilian (Latin)

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Helpdesk: molino@molinodeideas.es
